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UK CAA disability information requirements for airports

  • Written by George Sensalis

Last September, the CAA issued notice to UK airports to publish on their websites ten pieces of information for disabled people.


Under the Civil Aviation Act 2012, the CAA has duties and powers to provide information to users of air transport to assist them in comparing services and facilities, and to the general public about the environmental impact of aviation. The Civil Aviation Authority gave airports until the end of 2014 to bring their website to compliance. 


“In using these new powers we aim to ensure the passenger experience for disabled people and people with a reduced mobility is further improved and enhanced,” The CAA’s Director of Regulatory Policy, Iain Osborne said.


In accordance with section 85 of the Civil Aviation Act 2012 (the Act) airports are required to provide ten pieces of information in the following form and manner.


I. Information is to be published electronically on the airport website.

II. Information should be on a single webpage one click away from the home page of the airport website or on webpages directly accessible from a single landing webpage one click away from the home page.

III. The title for hyperlinks to this information should be “Special Assistance” or similar and may include a relevant image, for instance the International Symbol of Access consisting of a blue square overlaid in white with a pictogram of a person using a wheelchair.

IV. Information should be presented in a clear and easy to understand way and accessible for passengers with impairments such as blindness or low vision, deafness or hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, restricted movement, photo-sensitivity or any combinations of these.

V. The website design should take into consideration existing international guidelines on website accessibility.



Airports must publish the following information in adherence to content guidelines.


Information on the assistance provided at the airport

This information should specify, as a minimum, the types of assistance provided at the airport to a disabled person and person with reduced mobility (PRM) (i.e. that required by Annex 1 of the Regulation EC 1107/2006 plus any additional assistance that you provide).


Information on how to obtain this assistance 

This information should include, as a minimum, how in general terms PRMs can arrange for assistance at the airport, and should make reference specifically to the need to pre-notify with airline, tour operator or travel agent.  


Information on getting to the airport

This information should include, as a minimum, the available transport methods for getting to the airport, the arrangements for disabled parking at the airport (within the terminal boundary), and any specific rules for, or charges applied to, PRM passengers for using a drop-off zone at the airport. This should also include links to any pages detailing the accessibility arrangements for transport operated by other companies, and public transport, to and from the airport and car parking operated outside the terminal boundary.


Information on the layout of the airport

Airports should provide a map of the airport and / or list the key walking distances. As a minimum, the map should include both inside and outside the terminal building and include a scale to enable PRMs to assess likely walking distances between key points including designated arrival and departure points, special assistance areas (both landside and airside), check-in areas, disabled toilets, security search, departure lounges, gates, border control and baggage reclaim. As a minimum the list of walking distances should include the furthest possible distance between key points including designated arrival and departure points, special assistance areas (both landside and airside), check-in areas, disabled toilets, security search, departure lounges, gates, border control and baggage reclaim. 


Information on performance standards

This information should include, as a minimum, information on (and links to) the airport’s Quality Standards and how the airport or its agent has performed against the Quality Standards.


Information on airport security

This information should include, as a minimum, whether there are any special arrangements for PRMs in relation to security, in particular in relation to mobility and medical equipment, and whether private rooms are available for security searches.


Information on mobility equipment

This should include, as a minimum, the arrangements at the airport for allowing PRM passengers to remain in their own mobility equipment up to the gate, and the arrangements for repatriating mobility equipment to the PRM passenger on arrival. In addition, where relevant, it should include any information for owners on preparing mobility equipment for carriage. 

This information should also cover the arrangements for obtaining replacement mobility equipment in the event that the PRM’s own equipment is damaged on arrival. 


Information on assistance dogs

This should include the arrangements in place at the airport for assistance dogs. 


Information on PRM helpline 

This should include the telephone number and opening hours of the airport’s helpline for enquiries from PRMs.  


Information on how to complain 

This should include the arrangements in place for PRMs to complain to the airport about the assistance provided, including contact details.


Reduced Mobility Rights provide bespoke consulting services to airports requiring professional help crafting or editing their special assistance web pages. Please use the contact form to request additional information or a quote.




We had an insulting and physically damaging experience on board an international flight. We approached Reduced Mobility Rights and received support to reach a resolution.

Michael and Sara Heymann

Company Info

Reduced Mobility Rights Limited
Registered in England and Wales.
Company No : 07748812
9 Dalton House, 60 Windsor Avenue, London
United Kingdom, SW19 2RR
Phone: +44.(0)7786.993741



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