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Airport Accessibility Research Eye Opener For Improvement

  • Written by Roberto Castiglioni

Airports Accessibility ResearchThe Directorate for Passengers Rights at the EU Commission shared findings of Reduced Mobility Rights’ research on airport accessibility with NEBs across Europe.


Less than a week from its publishing, findings of the audit of 18 airports, seven of which among the 10 busiest in Europe by total passenger traffic, have been acknowledged by the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport at the European Commission.


“I would like to thank you for drawing our attention to this interesting review, which shows that at the 18 airports reviewed (of which two outside of the European Union) a lot of efforts have been made to comply with the obligations under Regulation 1107/2006,” the Head of Unit of Passengers Rights said in a letter to the Director of Reduced Mobility Rights on Tuesday. “However, as your audit revealed, there is also still some room for improvement in many areas, notably as regards the provision of information to travellers.”


Leading European advocate of access to aviation, Reduced Mobility Rights published a study on

accessibility and assistance services at airports across the European Union. The organization’s innovative audit methodology was crucial to identify critical issues with accessibility and assistance services. The study shows that most European airports do not provide enough support to hearing impaired passengers. The research unearthed more critical issues related to compliance with European Regulation 1107/2006, airports building accessibility, and staff training.


“We have taken the liberty to inform the competent NEBs about your report so that they can cooperate with their airports in order to further improve the travel experience of disabled passengers and passengers with reduced mobility,” The Head of Unit of Directorate for Passengers Rights at the EU Commission concluded.


EU 1107/2006 assigns National Enforcement Bodies the task to ensure airports and airlines comply with the Regulation. In most cases, the member state’s national Civil Aviation Authority is the enforcement agent for the Regulation.


Findings of this research are being used to craft best practice recommendations, a tool to transfer the knowledge developed through research to the delivery of service and development of policy. Reduced Mobility Rights best practice recommendations will be published on 13 June.


First of its kind, the cutting edge report describes issues with accessibility and assistance services EU airports provide passengers with special needs. The innovative audit methodology used to assess 18 airports was crucial to identify critical areas. Buy it now securely online with Paypal

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About the author


Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Reduced Mobility Rights, Roberto Castiglioni is an expert of airport accessibility, management and support procedures of passengers with special needs and air travel related regulations. He has been a frequent flyer for the past three decades and has several years of experience as travelling partner of a passenger who requires assistance.


Roberto provides accessibility and access consulting services to airports and airlines. He is a member of the UK Civil Aviation Authority Access To Air Travel Working Group. He is also a member of the Easyjet Special Assistance Advisory Group. Esaag provides Easyjet with strategic guidance and practical advice on the evolving needs of passengers requiring special assistance.



I wish best of luck to the reduced mobility rights for their dedicated service towards the disabled people in air travel.

A. Matin

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